!/usr/bin/ksh -x # # The IFS2LM Job # rm -f ifs2lm_job YU* EXE=/users/home/isc012/CCLM/int2lm_120606_1.19/int2lm1 ################################################################################ # # Namelists for INT2LM # # domain : EURO-CORDEX # resolution : 0.44 degree # driving data : ERA-Interim # # For explanation of namelist parameters refer to http://www.clm-community.eu # --> Applications --> Evaluated Configurations # # This file (without comment lines) will be automatically included as # here-document into the preprocessing script at script creation time. Some # variables will be substituted during the execution of the preprocessing # script (e.g. ${date}). Comment lines should begin with a hash mark '#'. # # Please take care of mutual consistency of COSMO-CLM and INT2LM inputs. # ################################## INT2LM ###################################### # cat > ifs2lm_job << **** cat > INPUT << end_input &CONTRL ! ydate_ini = "1970010100", ydate_ini = "$1$20100", hstart = 0.0, hstop = 744.0, hincbound = 6, linitial = .TRUE., lboundaries = .TRUE., lfilter_oro = .TRUE., l_cressman = .TRUE., l_bicub_spl = .FALSE., lbdclim = .TRUE., yinput_model= 'CM', itype_aerosol = 2, ltime_mean = .TRUE., luvcor = .TRUE., lreorder = .TRUE., lmulti_layer_in = .TRUE., lmulti_layer_lm = .TRUE., itype_w_so_rel = 1, itype_t_cl = 1, itype_rootdp = 3, lprog_qi = .TRUE., lforest = .TRUE., llake = .FALSE., llbc_smooth = .TRUE., nlbc_smooth = 10, nprocx = 2, nprocy = 2, nincwait = 5, nmaxwait = 20, luse_t_skin = .TRUE., itype_calendar =0, idbg_level = 99, lsso = .TRUE., /END # &GRID_IN ie_in_tot=512, je_in_tot=256, ke_in_tot=60, pollat_in = 90.0, pollon_in = 180.0, dlon_in=0.703125, dlat_in=0.703125,pcontrol_fi=30000. startlat_in_tot = -89.4628219604492, startlon_in_tot = -180.0, endlat_in_tot=89.4628219604492,endlon_in_tot=179.296875000000, ke_soil_in=3, czml_soil_in=0.015, 0.1, 0.405, 1.205, /END # # COSMO-CLM grid &LMGRID ielm_tot = 204, jelm_tot = 201, kelm_tot = 40, pollat = 39.25, pollon = -162.0, dlon = 0.44, dlat = 0.44, startlat_tot = -44.77, startlon_tot = -49.77, ke_soil_lm = 7, czml_soil_lm=0.005, 0.02, 0.06, 0.18, 0.54, 1.62, 4.86, 14.58, irefatm = 2, delta_t = 100.0, h_scal = 10000.0, /END &DATABASE /END # # PEP and coarse grid forcing data &DATA ie_ext=264, je_ext=321, ylmext_lfn='domain2014041416103.nc' ylmext_cat='/data/isc012/EURO-CORDEX/Run_EUR44', yinext_lfn = "ec_ext.nc", yinext_cat = "/data/isc012/EURO-CORDEX/Run_EUR44/", yin_cat = "/data/isc012/EURO-CORDEX/year$1", yinput_type = 'analysis', ytunit_in = 'd', ytunit_out = 'd', ylm_cat = "/data/isc012/EURO-CORDEX/Run_EUR44/lm_input", yinext_form_read = "ncdf", ylmext_form_read = "ncdf", yin_form_read = "ncdf", ylm_form_write = 'ncdf', nprocess_ini = 131, nprocess_bd = 132, /END &PRICTR igp_tot = 36, jgp_tot = 30, lchkin = .TRUE., lchkout = .TRUE., /END end_input ################################################# # run the program ################################################# rm -f YUCHKDAT YUTIMING YUDEBUG OUTPUT #time mpirun -np $NP1 $EXE bsub -a poe -n 4 -e error.%J -o output.%J -q poe_short mpirun.lsf $EXE -np 4 ################################################# # cleanup ################################################# #\rm INPUT YU* **** chmod u+x ifs2lm_job ./ifs2lm_job exit rm ifs2lm_job