domain2014061109159 >>> DOMAIN AND OPTIONS =================== >>> pollon=-74 >>> pollat=76 >>> polgam=0 >>> startlon_tot=360 >>> startlat_tot=240 >>> dlon=0.165 >>> dlat=0.165 >>> ie_tot=-24 >>> je_tot=-22 >> bindir=/h/forest/rockel/pep/extpar/bin >> workdir=/h/forest/rockel/pep/domains/domain2014061109159/work >> datadir=/h/forest/rockel/climatology/geodata_v1 >> resultdir=/h/forest/rockel/pep/domains/domain2014061109159 >> filename=domain2014061109159 >> landuse=2 >> oro=1 >> soil=1 >> tcl=1 >> aot=1 >>> DOMAIN AND OPTIONS =================== /h/forest/rockel/pep/domains/domain2014061109159/work 31 ==== Code information used to build this binary ==== Binary name ....: extpar Library name ......: extpar_v2_0.0 Tag name ..........: (missing) Checkin-Date ......: (missing) Checkout-Date .....: (missing) Code is modified ..: .true. Compile-Date ......: 2012-10-26 12:36:55 Compiled by .......: rochesa Compiled on .......: Lema Current start time : 2014-06-11 09:50 ==== End of code information ==== namelist_grid_def: INPUT_grid_org igrid_type: 2 domain_def_namelist:INPUT_COSMO_GRID after reading namelist INPUT_COSMO_GRID ie_tot, je_tot: -24 -22 ke_tot: 0 Allocated lon_rot and lat_rot Allocated lon_geo, lat_geo, no_raw_data_pixel Cosmo domain coordinates determined with calculate_cosmo_target_coordinates target grid tg: -24 -22 1 1.7976931348623157E+308 -1.7976931348623157E+308 1.7976931348623157E+308 -1.7976931348623157E+308 filename nrows: 46 ncolumns: 72 ntime: 12 ntype: 5 call agg_aot_data_to_target_grid MINVAL(lon_geo) 1.7976931348623157E+308 MAXVAL(lon_geo) -1.7976931348623157E+308 MINVAL(lat_geo) 1.7976931348623157E+308 MAXVAL(lat_geo) -1.7976931348623157E+308 write output to Abort generation of external parameters NetCDF: Invalid dimension size STOP exit status extpar_aot_to_buffer.exe 0 31 ==== Code information used to build this binary ==== Binary name ....: extpar Library name ......: extpar_v2_0.0 Tag name ..........: (missing) Checkin-Date ......: (missing) Checkout-Date .....: (missing) Code is modified ..: .true. Compile-Date ......: 2012-10-26 12:36:55 Compiled by .......: rochesa Compiled on .......: Lema Current start time : 2014-06-11 09:50 ==== End of code information ==== namelist_grid_def: INPUT_grid_org igrid_type: 2 domain_def_namelist:INPUT_COSMO_GRID after reading namelist INPUT_COSMO_GRID ie_tot, je_tot: -24 -22 ke_tot: 0 Allocated lon_rot and lat_rot Allocated lon_geo, lat_geo, no_raw_data_pixel Cosmo domain coordinates determined with calculate_cosmo_target_coordinates target grid tg: -24 -22 1 1.7976931348623157E+308 -1.7976931348623157E+308 1.7976931348623157E+308 -1.7976931348623157E+308 filename nrows: 360 ncolumns: 720 ntime: 1 varname: FR_LAND varname: HSURF varname: T_CL varname: lat varname: lon cru_grid: -179.7500000000000 179.7500000000000 -89.75000000000000 89.75000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 720 360 target grid tg: -24 -22 1 1.7976931348623157E+308 -1.7976931348623157E+308 1.7976931348623157E+308 -1.7976931348623157E+308 agg_cru_data_to_target_grid aggregation done write out Abort generation of external parameters NetCDF: Invalid dimension size STOP exit status extpar_cru_to_buffer.exe 0 Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling 31 ==== Code information used to build this binary ==== Binary name ....: extpar Library name ......: extpar_v2_0.0 Tag name ..........: (missing) Checkin-Date ......: (missing) Checkout-Date .....: (missing) Code is modified ..: .true. Compile-Date ......: 2012-10-26 12:36:55 Compiled by .......: rochesa Compiled on .......: Lema Current start time : 2014-06-11 09:50 ==== End of code information ==== namelist_grid_def: INPUT_grid_org igrid_type: 2 domain_def_namelist:INPUT_COSMO_GRID after reading namelist INPUT_COSMO_GRID ie_tot, je_tot: -24 -22 ke_tot: 0 Allocated lon_rot and lat_rot Allocated lon_geo, lat_geo, no_raw_data_pixel Cosmo domain coordinates determined with calculate_cosmo_target_coordinates Grid defined, lu target fields allocated ntiles_lu: 1 raw_data_glcc_filename: lu_file: glcc file: aggregate land use data to target grid area pixel at equator: 985746.2671482895 open nlon_sub, num_blocks, blk_len: -1 1 -1 Start loop over glc2000 dataset aggregation of land use data done Land-use buffer filename: ENTER write_netcdf_buffer_lu Abort generation of external parameters NetCDF: Invalid dimension size STOP exit status extpar_landuse_to_buffer.exe 0 /h/forest/rockel/pep/extpar/run/ line 985: 5639: Memory fault(coredump) exit status extpar_topo_to_buffer.exe 267 gzip: /h/forest/rockel/pep/domains/domain2014061109159/ No such file or directory