INT2LM error with CFU – in #10: INT2LM

in #10: INT2LM

<p> In job_settings the definition <br/> <pre> HINCBOUND=6 # time increment of boundary data </pre> <br/> should have 2-digits <br/> <pre> HINCBOUND=06 # time increment of boundary data </pre> <br/> Sorry for this trap! </p> <p> I found at least two other things: <br/> <pre> DO=/sw/rhel6-x64/cdo/cdo-1.6.9-magicsxx-gcc48/bin/cdo # absolute path of the CDO binary </pre> <br/> CDO is missing a “C” <br/> <pre> CDO=/sw/rhel6-x64/cdo/cdo-1.6.9-magicsxx-gcc48/bin/cdo # absolute path of the CDO binary </pre> </p> <p> <span class="caps"> HOUT </span> _INC must be in the form hh:mm::ss, i.e. in the form that you commented out <br/> <pre> #HOUT_INC=(7 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00 03:00:00 06:00:00 24:00:00 24:00:00) # time increment for each GRIBOUT hh:mm:ss HOUT_INC=(7 1 1 1 3 6 24 24) # time increment for each GRIBOUT hh:mm:ss </pre> </p>

  @burkhardtrockel in #fa5bd31

<p> In job_settings the definition <br/> <pre> HINCBOUND=6 # time increment of boundary data </pre> <br/> should have 2-digits <br/> <pre> HINCBOUND=06 # time increment of boundary data </pre> <br/> Sorry for this trap! </p> <p> I found at least two other things: <br/> <pre> DO=/sw/rhel6-x64/cdo/cdo-1.6.9-magicsxx-gcc48/bin/cdo # absolute path of the CDO binary </pre> <br/> CDO is missing a “C” <br/> <pre> CDO=/sw/rhel6-x64/cdo/cdo-1.6.9-magicsxx-gcc48/bin/cdo # absolute path of the CDO binary </pre> </p> <p> <span class="caps"> HOUT </span> _INC must be in the form hh:mm::ss, i.e. in the form that you commented out <br/> <pre> #HOUT_INC=(7 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00 03:00:00 06:00:00 24:00:00 24:00:00) # time increment for each GRIBOUT hh:mm:ss HOUT_INC=(7 1 1 1 3 6 24 24) # time increment for each GRIBOUT hh:mm:ss </pre> </p>

In job_settings the definition

HINCBOUND=6          # time increment of boundary data

should have 2-digits
HINCBOUND=06          # time increment of boundary data

Sorry for this trap!

I found at least two other things:

DO=/sw/rhel6-x64/cdo/cdo-1.6.9-magicsxx-gcc48/bin/cdo      # absolute path of the CDO binary 

CDO is missing a “C”
CDO=/sw/rhel6-x64/cdo/cdo-1.6.9-magicsxx-gcc48/bin/cdo      # absolute path of the CDO binary 

HOUT _INC must be in the form hh:mm::ss, i.e. in the form that you commented out

#HOUT_INC=(7 01:00:00 01:00:00 01:00:00 03:00:00 06:00:00 24:00:00 24:00:00) # time increment for each GRIBOUT hh:mm:ss
HOUT_INC=(7 1 1 1 3 6 24 24) # time increment for each GRIBOUT hh:mm:ss