CCLM compiled with IntelMPI – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hello Cecille, </p> <p> I am using intel <span class="caps"> MPI </span> since older version of <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> up to 5.01 and never had a problem. I am also have openMPI installed in the machine I use (Dell Power <span class="caps"> EDGE </span> X64, 652 <span class="caps"> CPU </span> s) and I also have used <br/> it without a problem. So, yes Intel <span class="caps"> MPI </span> can run any version of <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> . Now, looking into your problem, I believe it is a matter of setting the environment variable correctly. But, it all depends <br/> of which version of Intel <span class="caps"> MPI </span> are you using, since some versions can allow more compatibility with your older openMPI env than others. Buffering, can be one of such incompatibility and then execution is <br/> halted with error if the comm library doesn’t recon the sending. Usually, “export <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _COMPATIBILITY=#” , before mpiifort or mpirun, will make it through, where # is either 3 or 4, depending <br/> on the intel <span class="caps"> MPI </span> version. Probably, you need to start over with the right environment for intel (you might have a look on <span class="caps"> WRF </span> ’s forum to see what comes out from .configure for intel). <br/> Best wishes, <br/> Reinaldo </p>

  @reinaldosilveira in #9e13b90

<p> Hello Cecille, </p> <p> I am using intel <span class="caps"> MPI </span> since older version of <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> up to 5.01 and never had a problem. I am also have openMPI installed in the machine I use (Dell Power <span class="caps"> EDGE </span> X64, 652 <span class="caps"> CPU </span> s) and I also have used <br/> it without a problem. So, yes Intel <span class="caps"> MPI </span> can run any version of <span class="caps"> COSMO </span> . Now, looking into your problem, I believe it is a matter of setting the environment variable correctly. But, it all depends <br/> of which version of Intel <span class="caps"> MPI </span> are you using, since some versions can allow more compatibility with your older openMPI env than others. Buffering, can be one of such incompatibility and then execution is <br/> halted with error if the comm library doesn’t recon the sending. Usually, “export <span class="caps"> MPI </span> _COMPATIBILITY=#” , before mpiifort or mpirun, will make it through, where # is either 3 or 4, depending <br/> on the intel <span class="caps"> MPI </span> version. Probably, you need to start over with the right environment for intel (you might have a look on <span class="caps"> WRF </span> ’s forum to see what comes out from .configure for intel). <br/> Best wishes, <br/> Reinaldo </p>

Hello Cecille,

I am using intel MPI since older version of COSMO up to 5.01 and never had a problem. I am also have openMPI installed in the machine I use (Dell Power EDGE X64, 652 CPU s) and I also have used
it without a problem. So, yes Intel MPI can run any version of COSMO . Now, looking into your problem, I believe it is a matter of setting the environment variable correctly. But, it all depends
of which version of Intel MPI are you using, since some versions can allow more compatibility with your older openMPI env than others. Buffering, can be one of such incompatibility and then execution is
halted with error if the comm library doesn’t recon the sending. Usually, “export MPI _COMPATIBILITY=#” , before mpiifort or mpirun, will make it through, where # is either 3 or 4, depending
on the intel MPI version. Probably, you need to start over with the right environment for intel (you might have a look on WRF ’s forum to see what comes out from .configure for intel).
Best wishes,