[CCLM-Converction Permitting Scale] Korea Domain (3km) simulation configuration – in #9: CCLM

in #9: CCLM

<p> Hi Erwan, </p> <p> thanks for the input. </p> <p> Convection is more common than I did expect. Especially in the Barents sea in winter when cold air outbreaks hit the relatively warm sea surface (see attached image). <br/> Svalbard is still out of the region where convection occurs regularly, but climate projections show a different picture ;-) <br/> I guess riming and deep convection is of less importance than in other areas (since the liquid water in the air during winter is probably negligible). <br/> I may have time to run a short sensitivity test on the graupel parameterization for the area. We’ll see. </p> <p> Best regards <br/> Andy </p>

  @andreasdobler in #ea77611

<p> Hi Erwan, </p> <p> thanks for the input. </p> <p> Convection is more common than I did expect. Especially in the Barents sea in winter when cold air outbreaks hit the relatively warm sea surface (see attached image). <br/> Svalbard is still out of the region where convection occurs regularly, but climate projections show a different picture ;-) <br/> I guess riming and deep convection is of less importance than in other areas (since the liquid water in the air during winter is probably negligible). <br/> I may have time to run a short sensitivity test on the graupel parameterization for the area. We’ll see. </p> <p> Best regards <br/> Andy </p>

Hi Erwan,

thanks for the input.

Convection is more common than I did expect. Especially in the Barents sea in winter when cold air outbreaks hit the relatively warm sea surface (see attached image).
Svalbard is still out of the region where convection occurs regularly, but climate projections show a different picture ;-)
I guess riming and deep convection is of less importance than in other areas (since the liquid water in the air during winter is probably negligible).
I may have time to run a short sensitivity test on the graupel parameterization for the area. We’ll see.

Best regards